Sunday, September 16, 2012

Don’t drink the water ...

I carry this just about everywhere
It is dry here, and this particular summer and late summer has been even drier from what the locals tell me.  In an earlier post I wrote about the wildfires, which are still a daily occurrence.   No one locally can ever remember having wildfires.  In fact a helicopter just flew over carrying this large sack-like container going to get water from a local reservoir in order to help put out a wildfire.

All this dryness makes you thirsty.  I drink at least 2 of these 750ml CamelBaks a day and probably more, and that’s not counting the coffee, juice, milk, and occasional Coca Light.

But you can’t drink the water!  However, you can use water out of the tap to wash your dishes.

What that means is that you have to drink bottled water, unless you install a filtration system in your house.

Water dispenser at my host's house

So here’s where the water comes from.  It comes from this dispenser.

You might think that you would keep a spare one of these water jugs available for your dispenser.  That way when you ran out you’d have one ready to go.  But you'd be wrong.

Water & gas delivery - on demand, all the time

You make a phone call and this truck (or one of dozens I've seen) delivers the water (top row of jugs) within an hour.  And the truck driver does the installation.

This truck also delivers bottled gas (bottom row), which is for another blog post.
And here's the truck driver doing a reload at Cecelia's house


  1. Good post! Glad you are staying nice and hydrated, especially with all your bike riding!

    1. Thanks Emma! I think I might have to give Cecilia a little extra $ to cover my water drinking habits!


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