Wednesday, October 17, 2012

All Hollywood stunt drivers are from Ecuador

During Janet’s visit to Ecuador, she found out first hand why all the Hollywood stunt drivers come from Ecuador.
$0.25 ride on bus verde

On her first day here, I introduced her to the “green bus”. Almost all the buses that run through Cumbayá on their way to Quito are green. I do not know why. 

One could take a taxi to Quito for $15 or one could ride the “Green Bus” for $0.25. Obviously one is much cheaper, and as you will see below, it is not clear which is safer.

4-hour taxi ride to Eastern Ecuador

On Saturday (13 Oct) we took a 4-hour taxi ride to eastern Ecuador. 

This ride takes you up and down mountains and around curves, and there are few straightaways. 

The destination was La Casa del Suizo which is in the jungle and at the headwaters of the Amazon river.

Some definitions of Ecuadorian driving:
  • Going 120 k/h in a 60 k/h zone? Don’t worry the radar isn’t working.
  • Yellow lines? That doesn’t mean anything (even if there happens to be a line painted in the road). 
  • Passing while going uphill and approaching a curve? Normal business! 
  • And as you can see in one photo: Passing with oncoming traffic? No problema!

Below are some pictures of how Ecuadorian driving affects Janet

The last picture of Janet was taken as the taxi driver executed the following maneuver (below).

Passing with oncoming traffic - No problema!

But as you can see, Janet sobrevivía!


  1. hahhahahahahah we are laughing laughing laughing here! :) this is too funny!!!

  2. This post is still making me laugh! :)

  3. Wow!You are really post laugh!adventure sport nq.


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